Happy Valentine’s Day Quiz!

Valentine’s Day is here! In celebration of the special event, I have a Sweet Dreams Fun Quiz for you. Answer the questions below and keep track of how many you get in each category (A, B, C, etc…). When you’re done, check the chart below to see which Sweet Dreams character you are most like.

  1. On Valentine’s Day, you’d like to…
    1. Take your love on an all-expense paid weekend trip to Napa wine country.
    2. Spend the time with your loved one, no matter where that might be.
    3. Hanging out with friends would be cool, but you aren’t expecting much.
    4. Take your love to a nice romantic dinner and then night on the town.
    5. Rock out at the nearest anti-Valentine’s Day night club.
    6. Valentine’s Day sucks. Leave me alone.
  2. When picking out a Valentine’s Day gift for your love, you…
    1. Buy the most beautiful piece of jewelry you can find, with your love in mind. Price is no object.
    2. Homemade cards and lots of kisses are better than things you can’t afford.
    3. Don’t really do gifts. You might buy them a drink if they’re lucky.
    4. Whatever they want, they can choose.
    5. Write them a song.
    6. Valentine’s Day sucks. Leave me alone.
  3. Who is your perfect Valentine?
    1. A beautiful person with amazing talents.
    2. The love of my dreams
    3. My favorite singer.
    4. Someone who likes me for me.
    5. Someone who likes to have fun.
    6. Someone who leaves me alone.
  4. What would you like to get from your Sweetheart?
    1. A night together alone.
    2. Just being with them would be enough.
    3. Surprise me.
    4. Makeout session.
    5. Guitar Center gift certificate.
    6. Cash.
  5. I want a stuffed…
    1. Not quite sure I need anything stuffed, thank you.
    2. Giant bear.
    3. Bell pepper. Those are good.
    4. Huh?
    5. Guitar.
    6. Wallet
  6. Your Valentine’s Day song.
    1. “Give me a Kiss to Build a Dream On” ~ Louis Armstrong
    2. “I Can’t Give You Anything but Love” ~Ella Fitzgerald
    3. “Will You Love me Tomorrow?” ~Carole King
    4. “I’ll Make Love to You” ~ Boys II Men
    5. “Punk Rock Girl” ~ The Dead Milkmen
    6. “Anything, Anything” ~ Dramarama
  7. The most romantic location to have that special kiss.
    1. In bed.
    2. Under the stars.
    3. A location on the body I can’t talk about.
    4. Somewhere the press won’t hound us.
    5. Backstage
    6. Any place where we can take it further.
  8. The perfect date ends with….
    1. Breakfast the next morning.
    2. Cuddling.
    3. Nice kiss to tie me over.
    4. Promise to meet again.
    5. Why does it have to end? Come back to my place.
    6. Leaving alone.
  9. Your love life would make a perfect…
    1. Instruction manual.
    2. Romance novel.
    3. Disaster flick.
    4. Headline.
    5. Thriller.
    6. Horror film.
  10. If you couldn’t spend Valentine’s Day with your love, you would…
    1. Make it up later in a big way.
    2. Cry, eat ice cream, and talk on the phone.
    3. Just like any other lonely Saturday night.
    4. Send flowers.
    5. Write a rock ballad.
    6. Get drunk.

Mostly 1


Not only do you strive for true love, you have the high class tastes and panache to pull off even the most luxuriant love affair. Like Rob, you take charge and plan everything. You think that perfection is not an unattainable goal. Be careful of those you love. Of course you want to protect and spoil them, but sometimes they may want to plan a weekend. Let them and you’ll have more fun than you can imagine.

Mostly 2


You’re the type of romantic person who may not always have the cash to be extravagant, but always make it special. Like Victoria, you don’t mind where you are as long as you are there with someone you love. You dream of true love and will most likely have it, as long as you don’t let your own self doubt ruin it.

Mostly 3


You can see the beauty in being in love, even if you can’t always enjoy it yourself. Like Cynthia, you tend to stand back and wait for the rose to bloom rather than rush in before the bud has had time to blossom. However, if inspired by the right person, you have a tendency to get too hot too quick and cut yourself on the thorns.

Mostly 4


Injured by love, you strive to make you way back to the person who believed in that one true love. So, he/she wasn’t the one? Like Derek, you need to learn to accept that person wasn’t right for you and move on to someone who is. Your new love, who helps heal your broken heart, might need some healing too.

Mostly 5


Alright, so you’re not much on follow through, so what. You’ve got a great attitude and you’re fun to be around. You played, and that’s all that matters. Love to you is fun and should stay that way. Like Greg, you don’t let yourself be bogged down by rules and guidelines. Let the love in your life be expressed through music, art, or literature and you will be just as happy.

Mostly 6


You’ve been crushed by love, and really, you don’t have time or energy to spend on some dumb game. Like Raul, you’ll stand on the sidelines and watch your friends enjoy life as you nurse your still bleeding heart. As long as they know you’re there for them in tough times, you can nurse your crush. But be careful. Sometimes your lackadaisical attitude can make people think you don’t care about them and you may end up with no one at all.

Have a great Valentine’s Day!

For entertainment purposes only.
Graphics by http://www.icondrawer.com

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2 thoughts on “Happy Valentine’s Day Quiz!

  1. E.M. Markoff February 14, 2020 at 5:49 pm Reply

    I got Victoria Knox 🙂


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